First Bradford drivers with extra buses

First Bus adds extra buses to Bradford network

  • Supporting journeys and reliability during city road improvement works
  • Additional buses to remain operating until February 2024

First Bus has added extra buses into the Bradford network to help improve journey times for customers while the city centre road improvements continue.

A further seven buses have been introduced and will remain in operation until February 2024, when the current construction works are due to be completed.

Mohammed Raja, Operations Manager at the Bradford depot, said: “We understand it’s frustrating for customers if a bus is delayed and our team has worked tremendously hard to manage services over recent weeks.

“These extra buses are helping to provide more reliability on certain routes where we have identified difficulties due to congestion. Early results are beginning to show some improvements, such as the 640 and 641, and we will maintain a close watch on the network.”

He added: “We have worked with the contractors and local highway partners to look at maintaining bus routes in the city centre where feasible and will continue to do so during these essential works.”

Mr Raja advised customers, where possible, to consider allowing more time for journeys in the lead up to Christmas, given the expected increase in travel for festive shopping.

The First Bus app has a ‘bus map’ showing the location of buses approaching stops along a route and seating capacity available.

Picture caption: First Bradford drivers with some of the extra buses added to the city network.
