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WIBC North launch 3

West Yorkshire Mayor helps launch trailblazing bus industry group for Northern England

  • Women in Bus and Coach – North region gets underway
  • Industry group to promote inclusion and diversity in public transport
  • Mayor named Ambassador
  • Trailblazing black woman bus driver honoured
IMN 3224

First Bus partners with Strut Safe to help passengers feel safe and supported from bus door to front door

  • From the minute people step off the bus to the minute they’re at their front door, First Bus and Strut Safe will help people safely navigate their journey home 
  • Strut Safe support phone line to be promoted on more than 300 buses across West Yorkshire and York
IMN 3224

First Bus partners with Strut Safe to help passengers feel safe and supported from bus door to front door

  • From the minute people step off the bus to the minute they’re at their front door, First Bus and Strut Safe will help people safely navigate their journey home
  • Strut Safe phone line promoted across a fleet of 250 buses in West Yorkshire
Book launch at Beeston 1

Evie bus character brings children’s book to life for Beeston Primary pupils

  • Life-size character surprises children at Leeds primary school
  • Children’s storybook published by First Bus in North and West Yorkshire
  • Tinyfoot and Evie’s Adventure to Tiny Street features Evie the electric bus and her friend Tinyfoot.
  • Tale to help schools and parents teach youngsters about carbon footprint and greener choices
  • All funds raised to support Macmillan

First Bus and Combined Authority complete further £11.2m upgrade at Bramley depot

  • Total investment and co-funding from Department for Transport Zebra scheme exceeds £40m
  • Extra 22 electric buses brings zero emission fleet to 79 – half Bramley total
David Copley celebrates NTA with colleagues 3

Bradford bus driver given national honour for preventing child kidnap

  • David Copley receives Frontline Employee of the Year at the National Transport Awards
72 Service 24hrs 4

First Bus begins first 24hr bus service in West Yorkshire

  • 72 Service runs all day and night, seven days a week between Leeds and Bradford
First Pride bus in Leeds city centre crop

'Pride' bus to join the parade in Leeds

  • Special discounted ticket for all-day travel across West Yorkshire to support festival-goers and families
Leeds Scene Final RT CROPPED

Time for a Flake-cation! Cadbury Flake 99 launches free '99' bus service to take West Yorkshire families to the seaside

  • '99 bus' for trips from Leeds and Bradford to Bridlington
  • Launch comes after new research amongst parents reveals kids are missing out on quintessential classic British seaside day trips
  • 7 in 10* parents in the UK admit they hardly ever take kids to the beach despite 95% saying a day at the beach is one of their favourite things about a UK summer
  • Hop aboard the ‘99 bus’ this summer to enjoy a free ride to the seaside and an essential part of summer, a beach-side Cadbury Flake 99
First Bus North & West Yorkshire

First Bus offers free travel to military, cadets and veterans to celebrate Armed Forces Day

  • Free travel to events on the weekend of Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June.
  • Ex-military employees at First Bus encouraged to wear uniform while in service
  • June adds special significance to events following the 80th Anniversary of D-Day