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First Bus partners with Strut Safe to help passengers feel safe and supported from bus door to front door
- From the minute people step off the bus to the minute they’re at their front door, First Bus and Strut Safe will help people safely navigate their journey home
- Strut Safe support phone line to be promoted on more than 50 buses across York

First Bus honours York’s last veteran of D-Day
- Bus named after Ken Cooke, who will be 100 this year
- Friends surprise Ken on visit to depot

Fares changes announced for York Park and Ride
- New fares effective from Sunday 30 March

Phenomenal figures released for York’s Park and Ride
- Busiest year since 2017
- 4.5 million customers in 2024
- Most December trips in a decade
- York is UK's biggest all-electric Park and Ride

Bus driving is better than bar work, says York university student
- Student is the first to become a driver at First Bus in York
- Guaranteed working hours is strong appeal
- Part-time shifts enable working around lectures

Evie bus character brings children’s book to life for Badger Hill Primary pupils
- Life-size character surprises children at York primary school
- Children’s storybook published by First Bus in North and West Yorkshire
- Tinyfoot and Evie’s Adventure to Tiny Street features Evie the electric bus and her friend Tinyfoot.
- Tale to help schools and parents teach youngsters about carbon footprint and greener choices
- All funds raised to support Macmillan

Evie bus character brings children’s book to life for Beeston Primary pupils
- Life-size character surprises children at Leeds primary school
- Children’s storybook published by First Bus in North and West Yorkshire
- Tinyfoot and Evie’s Adventure to Tiny Street features Evie the electric bus and her friend Tinyfoot.
- Tale to help schools and parents teach youngsters about carbon footprint and greener choices
- All funds raised to support Macmillan

First Bus invests in added services for festive travel across York
- Later journeys on Christmas Eve for City, University routes and Park and Ride

First Bus invests in added services for festive travel across West Yorkshire
- Later journeys on Christmas Eve
- Special service introduced for New Year’s Day

First Bus invests in more buses on Park and Ride to support shoppers, retailers and hospitality as York gears up up for Christmas
- Additional services to run from 10 November to 24 December
- Extra buses on Services 3,7,8 and 9

First Bus fleet to ‘wear’ poppies as donation exceeds £3,350 in the region
- First Bus fleet in York supports Poppy Appeal
- Free travel to Remembrance events for serving Armed Forces, cadets and veterans