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Bus bears name of Halifax hero in wheelchair rugby league world cup-winning England team

  • Rob Hawkins of Halifax Panthers to star on bus around town
  • World Cup on show in Yorkshire for the first time
  • Fans to get selfies with trophy at Shay Stadium on Sunday 27 August
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Free bus travel for military and veterans to attend Remembrance ceremonies

  • Members of the Armed Forces in uniform or wearing medals
  • Members of the Armed Forces who present a valid identification card
  • Members of the cadet forces in uniform
  • Veterans who display valid identification such as the MOD-issued Veteran’s Badge or wear medals

First York customers help raise £1,000 for foodbank appeal to buy fresh food over festive holiday

First York customers have helped the bus operator to raise £1,000 to support the York Foodbank appeal to put fresh food on the tables of struggling households over the festive holiday.